Since the last update we have completed field testing of RATE at different sites in North Carolina. We have also created and field-tested a development tool for teacher candidates and working teachers that helps supervisors and mentors use information from RATE scores to move teachers forward in their practice. Further comparisons of RATE scores with those of other instruments from the MET study continues to show RATE as equal to or better than those instruments in predicting student achievement gains. Reports on these studies will appear later this year.
Our goal for this year is to continue to refine the instrument, and to test its efficacy using only audios of teaching practice, rather than videos.
More Conference Presentations on
Pushing Past the Edge with RATE: Faster, Better, and Cheaper Teacher Evaluation. Canadian Evaluation Society, St. John’s, June 6, 2016.
Linking Observations of Practice with Student Test Scores Using the Rapid Assessment of Teacher Effectiveness (RATE). ISATT, Auckland, New Zealand, July 14, 2015.